Essential Tips for Preventing Fleas on Your Dog.


Keeping your pet free of fleas is an important part of maintaining their health and wellbeing. Here are some helpful tips on how to prevent fleas from infesting your pet:

  1. Regularly groom your pet. Regularly brushing and combing your pet’s coat will help remove any fleas and flea eggs that may be present.

  2. Use flea preventative medication. Speak to your veterinarian about the best flea preventative medication for your pet.

  3. Vacuum regularly. Vacuuming your home regularly can help reduce the number of fleas in your environment.

  4. Treat your pet’s bedding. Regularly washing and drying your pet’s bedding in hot water can help remove any fleas or eggs that may be present.

  5. Regularly check your pet for fleas. Check your pet’s coat regularly for fleas or flea eggs, and take appropriate action if any are found.

Following these tips can help keep your pet flea-free, and keep them healthy and happy.

Leah Caws

Netley Abbey modern grooming salon is well-equipped to take care of all large and small dogs. We work with patience and care to ensure your pet feels comfortable and at home.

How to Choose a Groomer - Advice for choosing the right groomer for your dog.